Overcoming Rejection

Overcoming Rejection

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 599 , Segment 6

Iraq after ISIS, Seattle's Minimum Wage, Overcoming Rejection

Episode: Iraq after ISIS, Seattle's Minimum Wage, Overcoming Rejection

  • Jul 20, 2017 11:00 pm
  • 22:18 mins

(originally aired Jan 4, 2017) Guest: Jia Jiang, Owner of Rejection Therapy, Author of “Rejection Proof: How I Beat Fear and Became Invincible Through 100 Days of Rejection” As we reach the middle of the calendar year, is there anything from your dusty list of New Year’s resolutions that you’d still like to accomplish but maybe just can’t find the nerve to really go for? Asking for a pay raise, perhaps. Or reaching out to that stranger you’re intrigued by? Fear of rejection keeps us from doing all sorts of things.  When Jia Jiang decided he was done letting that fear limit his life, he spent 100 days doing things virtually guaranteed to bring rejection. Like asking to play soccer in a stranger’s backyard or to sit in the driver seat of a police car. The result of those 100 days was a lot of rejection—and also a book called “Rejection Proof.”