Voting Systems, Laziness, Relationship Mind Reader

Voting Systems, Laziness, Relationship Mind Reader

The Matt Townsend Show - Season 5, Episode 221

  • Sep 14, 2016 6:00 am
  • 2:24:35 mins

Why the US Voting System Does Not Work. (16:42) Dr. Michel Balinski Emeritus Chaired Research Professor of France's National Center for Scientific Research, at E-cole Poly-technique. He is the author of Fair Representation: Meeting the Ideal of One Man, One Vote.  Are Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump the voice of the American people, OR are they the voice of a failed voting system?  Michel Balinski shares his research into problems concerning political representation and elections. Being Lazy is a Sign of High Intelligence (1:05:23) Dr. Todd McElroy is a Psychology Professor at Florida Gulf Coast, Dr. McElroy earned his PhD. At University of North Carolina Greensbro. His research is largely focused in the area of Social Judgment and Decision Science.  Do you enjoy spending time watching Netflix? Do you prefer the great IN-doors? Well maybe that’s just a sign that you’re smarter than you think. Dr. Todd McElroy conducted a study that suggests being lazy is a sign of high intelligen...