Abe Lincoln is an Icon, Debt and Kids, Staying Positive

Abe Lincoln is an Icon, Debt and Kids, Staying Positive

The Matt Townsend Show - Season 6, Episode 260

  • Nov 1, 2017 6:00 am
  • 2:23:48 mins

Abraham Lincoln as an Icon (20:18) Shawn Perry-Giles, Ph.D., is the director of the University of Maryland's Center for Political Communication and Civic Leadership. She is the author of the book Memories of Lincoln and the Splintering of American Political Thought. Abraham Lincoln is an icon of every American, regardless of their associations with the Republican and Democratic Parties.  Why is this the case?  Shawn Perry-Giles shares her research into the writings of people who knew Lincoln personally and analyzed the rhetorical power of his public messages.   What kind of debt is good for kids? (1:07:14) Lawrence M. Berger, Ph.D., Director of the Institute for Research on Poverty and Chair in the School of Social Work at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Nobody likes the feeling of a large debt hanging over their head. Personal Finance Advisors have made a profession of helping people decide how to spend their money—for better or for worse. So how has debt impacted our famil...

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