"Diablo or How I Met My Wife" by Bil Lepp

"Diablo or How I Met My Wife" by Bil Lepp

The Apple Seed - Season 8, Episode 1 , Segment 1

S8 E1: Danger Ahead - Stories for the Whole Family by Bil Lepp and Geraldine Buckley

Episode: S8 E1: Danger Ahead - Stories for the Whole Family by Bil Lepp and Geraldine Buckley

  • Oct 24, 2024 6:00 am
  • 15:36 mins

Gather your family to listen to stories about how even plans gone awry can make for zany memories. (0:41) Bil Lepp tells the story of how he met his wife while working at a summer camp. One ride on a headstrong horse taught him the risks and rewards of trying something new. (16:34) Sam Payne tells a story about trying his hand at something new to impress his wife and finding, like Bil, that it was well worth the work. (20:33) Geraldine Buckley shares a story of a road-trip adventure undertaken against her better judgement. Sometimes the daunting experiences earn the biggest laugh in retrospect. Stories bring us together, and the stories on The Apple Seed will spark memories that you can share with the people you love. The Apple Seed is a storytelling podcast by BYUradio and is hosted by Sam Payne. Key words: Stories, storytelling, storyteller, family, memories, summer, horseriding, rewards, roadtrip, tall tale, anecdote, adventure, hitchhiking, summer camp, magic, risk, comedy, humor