Utah Retiree Makes a Million Toys For Charity

Utah Retiree Makes a Million Toys For Charity

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 878 , Segment 5

It's Getting Harder to Become American, The Toymaker, Is Medicare Going Broke?

Episode: It's Getting Harder to Become American, The Toymaker, Is Medicare Going Broke?

  • Aug 15, 2018 9:00 pm
  • 14:16 mins

Guest: Alton Thacker, Founder, Tiny Tim’s Foundation for Kids If you could have a million of anything, what would you choose? Alton Thacker decided he wanted a million toy cars. Not for himself, though.  For sixteen years, Thacker – who is 82 – has led a team of volunteers who saw and sand and paint wooden toy cars for kids around the world. He calls it Tiny Tim’s Toy Factory  - it’s in West Jordan, Utah and they just made their one-millionth car. More Information: tinytimsfoundationforkids@gmail.com