Sundance Film Festival: Star-crossed Lovers

Sundance Film Festival: Star-crossed Lovers

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 221 , Segment 3

Egypt, Sundance, Suicide and Altitude, Waking Up White

Episode: Egypt, Sundance, Suicide and Altitude, Waking Up White

  • Jan 28, 2016 11:00 pm
  • 16:04 mins

Romeo and Juliet. Othello and Desdemona. Lovers who find themselves in love with someone their family and their society reject. All that tension makes for compelling stories that we fall for over and over.  At the Sundance Film Festival, Producer Tennery Taylor has found a couple tales of star-crossed lovers, where the events of history combine against lovers who find themselves alone against the world. Today we’re talking love and war, discussing the narrative feature films “Ali and Nino” and “Sophie and the Rising Sun” that have just premiered at the Festival this week.