S1 E30: Monkey Stew
The Apple Seed - Season 1, Episode 30
- Sep 29, 2021 6:00 am
- 56:50
Welcome to The Apple Seed! Some time filled with stories for you and your family. Since 2013 we’ve been bringing you tall tales, personal tales, fairy tales, historical tales and more. All kinds of tales, from all kinds of tellers. Today’s episode will tickle your funny bone and satisfy your sweet tooth, starting off with Dan Kelin’s hilarious rendition of “Monkey Stew”, about the lengths a lady will go to in order to protect her banana tree and bananas. Next we’ll enjoy Kevin Carr’s “Sweet Tooth”, about a delicious maple tree and the sticky adventures it creates. Following that is Bil Lepp’s twist on a tale you’ve probably heard before, “Jonah - The Real Story”. Finally, we’ll hear Martha Hamilton’s “The Dancing Brothers”, about how eight brothers handle not being allowed to go to the same special ceremony their parents attend. Break out your nice bowls, new silverware, and old sense of humor, because this is Monkey Stew, here, on The Apple Seed... On today’s episode, enjoy the following: “Monkey Stew” by Dan Kelin from the Talk Story Fest (2:40) Radio Family Journal: "Reut" by Sam Payne (15:50) The Daily Mix: "Summer Camp Mug" with Tim Lowry (22:35) “Sweet Tooth” by Kevin Carr from The Big Music (31:20) “Jonah - The Real Story” by Bil Lepp from Buck Meets the Monster Stick (43:11) “The Dancing Brothers” by Martha Hamilton from How & Why Stories: World Tales Kids Can Tell (52:00)