Chinese Consumers Are the Future

Chinese Consumers Are the Future

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 571 , Segment 2

World Events, Empathy Hurts, China Consumers

Episode: World Events, Empathy Hurts, China Consumers

  • Jun 12, 2017 11:00 pm
  • 18:11 mins

Guest: Jeffrey Towson, Professor of Business, Peking University, Co-author of “The One Hour China Book” If you’ve been to any major tourist attraction in the US recently, be it the Empire State Building, the Las Vegas strip or Zion National Park, you’ve undoubtedly found yourself standing amid tourists from mainland China. This surge in Chinese tourists represents a wave of new consumers who have recently joined the middle class and are eager to enjoy the same things middle-class families all over the world have long taken for granted. The question now is whether the world is ready for the changes that will inevitably come with half a billion middle class Chinese consumers.