Writing Dialogue Teaches Argumentation
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 579 , Segment 2
French and UK Elections, Corporate Apologies, Cyber-Bullying
Episode: French and UK Elections, Corporate Apologies, Cyber-Bullying
- Jun 22, 2017 11:00 pm
- 16:07 mins
Guest: Deanna Kuhn, PhD, Professor of Psychology and Education at Teachers College, Columbia University and Co-Author of "Argue with Me: Argument as a Path to Developing Students’ Thinking and Writing" The best way to find out if you really understand a concept – or political position - is to try and defend it in an argument. The back-and-forth will quickly show where the holes are in your own comprehension. Being able to clearly articulate an idea is a basic skill schools are expected to teach. But the way it’s traditionally done - the good old essay with thesis statement, evidence and conclusion - doesn’t work nearly as well as it could.