How to Respond Well Under Pressure
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How to Respond Well Under Pressure

The Lisa Show - Season 1, Episode 918 , Segment 1

How to Say No To Your Kids

Episode: How to Say No To Your Kids

  • Aug 29, 2022 6:00 am

Nine Eleven was a horrific day in our country, but it was not the first terrorist attack from Al Queda the US has faced. Less than a year prior, on October 12th 2000, the USS Cole was bombed off the coast of Yemen. In this tragic attack, we lost 17 sailors and 37 more were injured, yet through the heroic efforts of the crew & commander they were able to save the ship and minimize further casualties.That commander was Kirk Lippold, and we are honored to be speaking with him today, in recognition of the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attack. Since the event, Kirk has been all across the country teaching people how to respond well under pressure and what good leadership looks like. We are excited to hear about some of his knowledge and expertise today.