National Security in France, Child Anxiety, Japanese Delegation

National Security in France, Child Anxiety, Japanese Delegation

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 189

  • Dec 3, 2015 7:00 am
  • 1:43:12 mins
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National Security in France (1:04) Guest: Gerard Araud, French Ambassador to the United States France remains in a state of emergency following the November 13th attacks in Paris that killed 130 people. The Islamic State terror group has claimed responsibility. French authorities this week announced they shut down three mosques for an alleged "pattern of radicalization.” There’s heightened security at France’s borders, too. But French ambassador to the United States, Gerard Araud emphasized the difficulty of national security in an address on BYU’s campus as a guest of the Kennedy Center for International Studies. Araud said that after terrorists attacked the Paris headquarters of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and a Jewish grocery store in January, French authorities knew there would be more attacks, but struggled to anticipate when and where. Slave Against Slave (15:20) Guest: Jeff Forret, PhD, Professor of History at Lamar University and author of “Slave Against Slave: Plantation Violence in the Old South” In Baltimore, the trial for one of six police officers charged in the murder of Freddie Gray is underway. You’ll remember Freddie Gray is the black man who died from alleged mistreatment while in police custody back in April. The incident sparked widespread protests in Baltimore, adding to the national debate over young black men being mistreated by police officers – often white officers, though in the case of Freddie Gray, the officer currently on trial is black. Race is nearly always at the center of the debate over such violence in American society. In the tumult in Ferguson and Florida and Baltimore – and the rise of the BlackLivesMatter movement – there’s a question that always seems to bubble up. Sometimes it’s a TV reporter asking it of a protester or a pundit lobbing it on cable news: What about black-on-black violence? FBI statistics show some 90 percent of blacks murdered in the US are murdered by other blacks. What doesn’t often get mentioned is that more than 80 percent of whites murdered in