The Collapse of Parenting
The Matt Townsend Show - Season 7, Episode 11 , Segment 2
Trust in Government, Collapse of Parenting, Screen Cleaning
Episode: Trust in Government, Collapse of Parenting, Screen Cleaning
- Jan 12, 2018 5:00 pm
- 29:40 mins
Leonard Sax is a practicing family physician and best-selling author. He has worked on issues of child and adolescent development with schools and communities in the United States and around the world. There is no doubt that children are growing up today in a very different world than the one their parents grew up in. Every day they face new challenges, whether at school, with their friends, or at home. Parents, for their part, have also changed the way that they raise their kids, and perhaps not all for the better. After all, the past 30 years have seen rising levels of obesity, depression, and anxiety among young people. Leonard Sax is the author of the book The Collapse of Parenting which articulates the problems that parents face and how they can solve them.