Brer Tales
  • Jun 2, 2015 6:00 am
  • 56:36
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Stories and songs included in this episode: Donna Washington Story: Brer Possum & Snake Teller:  Donna Washington Site: Notes: Brother Snake is smooth and sly.  Tim Lowry Story: Buh Gator Meets Trouble Teller:  Tim Lowry Site: Notes: A brer story told in Gullah. Diane Ferlatte Story: The Big Race Teller:  Diane Ferlatte Site: Notes: A classic tale with rhythms and beats from Diane Ferlatte. Lyn Ford Story: John the Rabbit/Wolf's Garden Teller:  Lyn Ford Site: Notes: Brer Rabbit has gone by many names including John the Rabbit.  Mustard's Retreat Story: Sandy Raccoon Teller:  Michael McCarty Site: Notes: Brer Rabbit and Brer Raccoon find themselves working together.  Lyn Ford Story: The Happy Place Teller:  Lyn Ford Site: Notes: Out of the forest and into the briar patch with Brer Rabbit.  Doug Elliott Song: Left Hind Leg of A Rabbit Teller:  Doug Elliott Site: Notes: A happy song.