School Libraries
Worlds Awaiting - Season 2, Episode 38 , Segment 2
STEM Education, World of a School Librarian
Episode: STEM Education, World of a School Librarian
- Nov 4, 2017 6:00 pm
- 10:21 mins
Next, Rachel welcomes High School Librarian, Heather Price, who shares with us a glimpse of the world that awaits her every work day. What’s it like working in the library with her students and what helps them become better readers? Price is the librarian at Skyridge High School in Utah. She has a master’s degree in English with an emphasis in creative writing from BYU and is an instructor for BYU's Independent Study course in children's literature. Working in a library lets her interact with students, books, and technology--all of the things she loves! In her spare time she writes fiction for young adults.