Parents as Gene Therapists

Parents as Gene Therapists

The Lisa Show - Season 1, Episode 774 , Segment 2

Teenagers on Adventures and Parents as Gene Therapists

Episode: Teenagers on Adventures and Parents as Gene Therapists

  • Jul 30, 2021 12:00 pm
  • 15:50 mins

If you’re a parent of young children, you are doing a LOT. In fact, you’re doing so much more than you realize –and a lot of it is just by being around for your kid. Our understanding of early childhood development used to be dominated by genetics –and there was little parents thought they could do to help their child tap into their potential. But our understanding has begun to shift –and parents are starting to learn that the one of the best ways to help their child develop is to use something called “gene therapy”. And it’s surprisingly easy for parents to get started. Here to tell us all about it is Dr. Gail Gross. Dr. Gross is a family, child development, and human behavior expert. She’s working to educate others on everything from family relationships to early childhood development. And today, she’s here to tell us how YOU can be the true gene therapist for your child.