Coping With Loneliness, Suicide Prevention, Making Decisions
The Lisa Show - Season 1, Episode 82
- Jan 10, 2019 7:00 am
- 100:35
Coping With Loneliness (00:00) Diana Raab talks about what to do about loneliness. She shares tips and tricks to dispel sadness and increase joy. Suicide Prevention (15:41) Ganel-Lyn Condie shares ways in which we can love and support those who are struggling. She emphasizes the importance of talking about suicide and depression and explains how we can approach the subject. Warning signs are discussed and ways to help prevent suicide are presented. Making Decisions (50:16) Do you struggle with indecision? Bob Taibbi helps us learn to become better decision makers. He gives specific examples and steps that we can become more decisive. Developing a Good Conscience (1:09:07) Reverend Edie Weinstein talks us through the development of our consciences and how parents can influence that. Helping Kids Make Conscientious Decisions (1:29:41) Lisa talks about how to help children make moral decisions for themselves.