Fighting Passive Aggression, Body Image in Kids, Dad Jokes
The Lisa Show - Season 1, Episode 86
- Jan 16, 2019 7:00 am
- 101:13
Fighting Passive Aggression (00:00) Signe Whitson explains passive aggression and how we can confront people about it. What’s Going Around? (15:21) Our favorite pediatrician, Dr. Weston Spencer, helps us know what kinds of sickness are going around this season and how we can avoid catching them. Body Image in Kids (34:14) Dr. Spencer answers our questions about body image in children and how to approach sensitive topics such as obesity or eating disorders. Little Women (50:33) Clare Niederpruem talks about the 2018 film Little Women and how it was made. Dad Jokes (1:23:20) Dr. Stanley Dubinksy talks about dad jokes and why we find them so funny.