Digital Literacy, Crunch Time, Helping Kids Feel Loved

Digital Literacy, Crunch Time, Helping Kids Feel Loved

The Matt Townsend Show - Season 6, Episode 57

  • Mar 9, 2017 7:00 am
  • 163:38
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Literacy Lessons for Digital Citizens (14:55) Dr. Jonathan Anzalone is a News Literacy lecturer at the School of Journalism. He also serves as Assistant Director of the Center for News Literacy at Stony Brook University. He has taught News Literacy for almost ten years. It’s becoming more difficult to distinguish fact from fiction in the media, so the University of Hong Kong and the State University of New York teamed up to create an online program. This online course helps anyone with an interest learn how to detect fake news and media bias. Jonathan Anzalone shares with us what the course covers and the challenges of teaching digital literacy. Crunch Time: How to Be Your Best When It Matters Most (1:21:17) Judd Hoekstra is a leadership and human performance author, consultant, and speaker. He serves as a Vice President at the Ken Blanchard Companies, a premier leadership training and coaching company. Judd Hoekstra co-wrote Crunch Time: How to be your best when it matters most. New York Yankee’s Cather and quasi-philosopher Yogi Berra said that “Baseball is 90 percent mental. The other half is physical.” Performing at a high level during critical times is the sign of a great athlete and a great coach. Judd Hoekstra discusses what to do when you are faced with a "crunch-time moment" Caitlin Thomas - Inspiring Woman (1:48:41) Yesterday we all recognized International Women’s Day, which was a day where hopefully, we all took some time to recognize all the amazing women in our lives and how much they do for us. There are many women throughout time that have made a difference in their communities or influenced people around them. Caitlin Thomas is here with us this morning to talk more about some of these amazing women and share how she hopes to someday be more like them.  What Keeps Our Children from Feeling Loved (2:11:48) Heather Johnson, M.S., has been an adjunct faculty member at Brigham Young University for nearly 10 years. She is passionate about teaching students the principles behind successful famil