Moral Outrage, Chase Happiness, Giving Kids Freedom
The Matt Townsend Show - Season 6, Episode 183
- Aug 3, 2017 6:00 am
- 2:23:46 mins
What are the costs to moral outrage? (19:55) Brandon Warnke is an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Bowling Green State University in Bowling Green, Ohio. He writes about forgiveness, moral responsibility, and public discourse. It doesn’t matter how careful politicians are, there always seems to be someone who gets offended. Political correctness is becoming a monster and moral outrage has reached new heights on seemingly small issues. Are there costs to moral outrage? Brandon Warmke explains the dangers of moral outrage to public discourse. Chase Happiness (1:07:50) Susanna Halonen, also known as the Happyologist®, is a happiness coach and writer. She uses the science of positive psychology to help you to kill your self-doubt, embrace positive thinking and build a lifestyle you love. She is the author of Screw Finding Your Passion, a published researcher, a TEDx speaker, and a regular commentator in the media from the BBC to The Huffington Post and more. Passion is a form of positive energy that sits inside of you. Curbing our passion can actually hurt our success and happiness in life. Passion not only motivates success but allows us to truly unlock our potential. However, when we are constantly trying to find our passions we can miss out on finding joy in what we are doing. There is passion everywhere, we just have to find it within ourselves. Susanna Halogen addresses happiness, success and how to find your true passions. How to give your kids freedom (1:55:29) Heather Johnson, M.S., has been an adjunct faculty member at Brigham Young University for nearly 10 years. She is passionate about teaching students the principles behind successful families and the importance of families spending time together. Heather blogs at Heather shares tips for giving freedoms to our kids despite the fact that the world tells us things are more dangerous and we need to be more protective.