Politics, Responding to Insults, Laughter
The Matt Townsend Show - Season 4, Episode 113
- Jun 1, 2015 6:00 am
- 2:16:36 mins
News & Politics (12:11) Joe Cannon, CEO of Fuel Freedom Foundation, former Chairman of the Utah Republican Party, past assistant administrator in the US EPA, and editor of the Deseret News. Joe talks current political news including Rand Paul, Hillary Clinton, and the Future of the Patriot Act. How to Respond to Below the Belt Comments (58:44) Dr. Linda Sapadin is a psychologist in private practice, specializing in helping people overcome self-defeating patterns of behavior. She has many informative and interesting articles on her website, such as “Can Men and Women Really Be Friends” and “How to Deal with a Narcissistic Personality.” She is the author of six self-help books, including “How to Beat Procrastination in the Digital Age." Today she talks about how to best respond to insults. Why We Laugh (1:45:34) Sophie Scott FMedSci is a British neuroscientist. Professor Scott is Wellcome Trust senior fellow at University College London, researching the neuroscience of voices, speech, and laughter. She is the Group Leader for the Speech Communication Neuroscience Group and Deputy Director at the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience. Sophie Scott explains how laughter can be the best medicine.