Presidential Economic Policies, Vanishing Barber Shop, E-Cigs

Presidential Economic Policies, Vanishing Barber Shop, E-Cigs

The Matt Townsend Show - Season 5, Episode 220

  • Sep 13, 2016 6:00 am
  • 2:25:06 mins

Presidential Candidates Economic Policies (17:52) Dr. Christian vom Lehn is an Assistant Professor of Economics at Brigham Young University. He received his PhD in Economics from Princeton University. His primary research interests are in macroeconomics and labor economics.  With the general election quickly approaching many are wondering what it could mean for our economy. Issues like minimum wage and trade have been a hot topic for both of the presidential candidates and other issues such as taxes, jobs, and immigration have come up frequently as well. Dr. vom Lehn explains both candidates economic plans. Disappearing Barber Shop (1:03:48) Dr. Kristen Barber received her Ph.D. from University of Southern California. She is a professor at Southern Illinois University, her research and teaching focus on issues of gender and social inequalities. She is the author of Styling Masculinity: Gender, Class, and Inequality in the Men's Grooming Industry. The all-male barbershop is one pi...