Why is Dystopian Fiction So Popular Today?

Why is Dystopian Fiction So Popular Today?

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 652 , Segment 4

Supreme Court, Nicotine Regulation, Understand Autism

Episode: Supreme Court, Nicotine Regulation, Understand Autism

  • Oct 3, 2017 11:00 pm
  • 16:50 mins

Guest: Jon Ostenson, PhD, Assistant Professor of English Education, Brigham Young University The Hunger Games trilogy drew teens and adults alike into Katniss Everdeen’s dystopian world. Similar novels continue to captivate audiences: next week the latest installment in Paolo Bacigalupi’s young-adult Ship Breaker series will be out, and we've just had The Handmaid’s Tale brought to tv by Hulu. What’s the fascination with society gone wrong?  Professor Jon Ostenson has some ideas, and they’re not as bleak as you might think.