How to Change Your Attachment Style
The Matt Townsend Show - Season 4, Episode 61 , Segment 3
Municipal Fines, Creative Distraction, Attachment
Episode: Municipal Fines, Creative Distraction, Attachment
- Apr 1, 2015 1:00 pm
- 31:47 mins
(1:43:47) Dr. Brogaard has a medical degree in neuroscience and a doctorate in philosophy. She is an expert in perception, synesthesia, blindsight, consciousness, neuropsychiatry and emotions and is currently the Editor of the international peer-reviewed philosophy journal Erkenntnis. Dr. Brogaard says that "Attachment theory is based on the idea that how we bonded with our parents when we were babies impacts our relationships as adults," and that, "\[although] we may tend toward a style of attachment, styles fluctuate depending on personality changes, partners, and self-regulation."