Online Sales Tax, Executing Drug Dealers, Jaws: The Epidemic Right Under Our Noses

Online Sales Tax, Executing Drug Dealers, Jaws: The Epidemic Right Under Our Noses

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 793

  • Apr 18, 2018 6:00 am
  • 101:08
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Supreme Court and Online Sales Tax Guest: John Barrick, PhD, Associate Professor of Accountancy, Marriott School of Business, Brigham Young University The US Supreme Court heard arguments on Tuesday, and the justices seemed split, on whether or not states can force an out-of-state internet store like to collect sales taxes. President Trump made his view clear on Twitter after the hearing: “States and Cities throughout our Country are being cheated and treated so badly by online retailers. Very unfair to traditional tax paying stores!” What’s the issue here and why is the Supreme Court involved? What If America Executed Drug Dealers? Guest: Angelica Duran-Martinez, PhD, Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell Every day in the US, more than 100 people die of an opioid overdose. As part of his plan to address the epidemic, President Trump wants a crackdown on drug dealers – what he calls, “the big pushers.” The President’s plan also includes making more treatment options available to people with opioid addiction and an awareness campaign to reduce the amount of opioids prescribed by doctors. But his call to execute drug dealers is getting the most attention.  Angelica Duran-Martinez has studied how well these tough laws work in addressing drug problems on a national scale. The City That Was Made to Flood Guest: Jim Blackburn, JD, Professor of Environmental Law, Co-Director of the Severe Storm Prediction, Education and Evacuation from Disaster (SSPEED) Center. Rice University It’s been about eight months since Hurricane Harvey’s torrential rain caused serious flooding in Houston, Texas. Since then, investigative reporting by the New York Times and other outlets has revealed that many of the worst-flooded neighborhoods were actually designed to flood in the case of a severe storm. People who bought homes in those areas had no idea, and many are now part of a class action lawsuit against the government.  Stories with The Apple Seed Guest: Sam Payne, Host, T