Porcupine Staples, Eat Bugs, Swimming with Sharks

Porcupine Staples, Eat Bugs, Swimming with Sharks

Constant Wonder - Season 2022, Episode 228

  • Aug 9, 2019 6:00 am
  • 100:58
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The Porcupine Inspires Medicine Guest: Jeff Karp, Biomedical Engineer, Professor of Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School Medical staples are an incredibly useful way to quickly close wounds, but current methods leave room for infection and further tissue damage. Jeff Karp weighs in on how porcupine quills could be the answer to innovation in surgical sutures. He was even willing to sacrifice his own body to test out porcupine quills! Bonnie & Clyde Guest: Perry Carver, Owner and Curator, Bonnie and Clyde Ambush Museum  Bonnie and Clyde were well known because of their love story, and this museum shows how the Great Depression framed that story.   What Happens When Best Practices Aren't? Guest: Vinay K. Prasad, Hematologist-Oncologist and Associate Professor of Medicine, Oregon Health and Science University, and co-author of “Ending Medical Reversal: Improving Outcomes, Saving Lives” Medical doctors seek to “Do No Harm.” Unfortunately, that doesn’t always happen. Some best practices turn out to be harmful and some just do no good at all. What's a doctor to do then? Fantastic Insects and How to Eat Them Guest: Daniella Martin, author, “Edible: An Adventure into the World of Eating Insects and the Last Great Hope to Save the Planet,” host of "Girl Meets Bug" insect cooking/travel show, and blogger for "Huffington Post" We need new and reliable food sources. We also need to start scaling back our carbon footprint and our effect on the environment. Daniella Martin offers entomophagy, the eating of insects, as the answer to both these apparently contradictory issues. What is more, she can also tell us how to cook and eat them. Forget JAWS: Swimming with Sharks Guest: Cristina Zenato, ocean explorer and shark professional Contrary to what pop culture and Hollywood would have us believe, sharks are not mindless killing machines. Zenato's job is to swim with the sharks and she'd like to change your mind about what they're really like.