Bridge Inspection
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 165 , Segment 6
Benghazi, Zebra Stripes, Breast Cancer Risk, Eye-Tracking
Episode: Benghazi, Zebra Stripes, Breast Cancer Risk, Eye-Tracking
- Oct 26, 2015 9:00 pm
- 22:15 mins
Guests: Spencer Guthrie, PhD, Professor of Civil Engineering at BYU; Brian Mazzeo, PhD, Electrical Engineering Professor at BYU; Spencer Rogers of BYU’s Technology Transfer Office Do you cross a bridge on your daily commute? The Federal Highway Administration this year said some 61,000 bridges across the country structurally deficient and needing repair. You might be in one of the 215 million vehicles crossing that cross over those bridges every day. There is a national program to address those deficiencies, but one of the challenges in knowing whether a bridge needs repair is knowing what’s going on beneath the surface: Down inside the concrete, where deterioration might be underway long before it’s visible on top.