

The Lisa Show - Season 1, Episode 769 , Segment 3

How to Live Authentically and Lake Mead National Recreational Center

Episode: How to Live Authentically and Lake Mead National Recreational Center

  • Jul 22, 2021 12:00 pm
  • 19:05 mins

If you’re old enough to remember when cell phones could first connect to the internet, or when you first got Wi-Fi in your home, you’re in the same boat as a lot of folks who are working to keep up with latest technology trends. But even if you’d consider yourself an internet native –there's area of bleeding-edge technology that stumps even the most tech-savvy. Cryptocurrency! What is it, and what does it actually mean for average, everyday people? Well, we’ve got one tech expert here to give us a better idea. Andrew J. Hacker (yes, that’s his actual name) is an expert on AI, cybersecurity, blockchain and cryptocurrency. He’s here to teach us the ins and outs of this new and exciting field of tech.