Everyday Rockstar, Teenage Jobs, Passive Aggressive People, Happiness and Meditation, Quarantine Trauma, Running and COVID-19, Identity Awareness

Everyday Rockstar, Teenage Jobs, Passive Aggressive People, Happiness and Meditation, Quarantine Trauma, Running and COVID-19, Identity Awareness

The Lisa Show - Season 1, Episode 423

  • Mar 25, 2020 6:00 am
  • 101:08
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Everyday Rockstar (0:00:00) Lisa and Richie talk to this week’s Everyday Rockstar. You could be featured on the show too! Send your nominations to thelisashow@byu.edu. Teenagers and Jobs (0:05:26) Whether you had one in high school or not, we were all told at one point in our young lives to “Get a job!” It would teach us personal responsibility, financial independence, and give us more self-confidence. But now that many of us have kids of our own and we’re all trying to figure out the best ways to raise them, we have to ask ourselves if school is more important and if it's best to pressure our teenagers to get a job in high school. Well the answer to this question is more complex than you might think. Joining us today is Debra MacDonald, the Site Director of the parenting website Center For Parenting Education , to talk with us about this high school parenting dilemma. Conflict with Passive Aggressive People (0:18:02) I’m sure we all know someone who is incredibly sneaky and passive aggressive when they’re upset. It’s infuriating! Our culture values empowerment, and sarcastic passive aggression. How can we interact with people that fit these personality labels, especially these we need to have tough conversations? With us again today is Emily Taylor, a certified mediator and founder of the Conflict Fluent website. We’ve asked her to weigh in on this topic. Real Happiness and Meditation (0:36:24) We’ve all heard about meditation and read the claims that our lives would be so much better if we did it. Whether it’s our in-laws, siblings, or friends, a lot of people are convinced that this ancient technique is the solution to all our problems. But what good can sitting on the ground breathing slowly actually do for us? Perhaps a lot more than you think. Joining us today is Sharon Salzberg, a pioneer in the field of meditation and author of several books that help people find “Real Happiness” and “Real Love” through meditation and mindfulness. Quarantine Trauma (0:50:34) We’re all feeling the effects of this