Trump Debate Style, Genes and Addiction, Givers v. Takers

Trump Debate Style, Genes and Addiction, Givers v. Takers

The Matt Townsend Show - Season 4, Episode 182

  • Aug 20, 2015 6:00 am
  • 2:16:47 mins

Presidential Debates and Donald Trump (10:38) Dr. Ben Voth is an Associate Prof at Southern Methodist University of Corporate Communications and Public Affairs division. Director of Debate and an advisor to the Bush Institute. Voth works with a variety of individuals such as Holocaust survivors, national speech champions, top speakers in debate, community advocates, and government leaders to ensure that the human value of being heard is instilled. His research in rhetoric and argumentation studies helps clarify how persuasion can work to improve society, whether discerning the symbolic processes driving genocide around the globe or understanding how comedy relieves our sense of anxiety about politics. Today he gives his analysis of Donald Trumps debate style Family, Genes, Addiction (58:08) Dr. J. Dee Higley is a Professor of Psychology at Brigham Young University. He received his Ph.D. in Child Development and Primate Behavior from the University of Wisconsin. For nearly two dec...