Arizona: Fred Snowden - The Fantastic Mr. Fox

Arizona: Fred Snowden - The Fantastic Mr. Fox

Big Stories - Season 2, Episode 20

  • Feb 3, 2025 7:00 am
  • 28:54 mins
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Fred Snowden, a.k.a. "The Fox," made history as the first African American head basketball coach at a major university, taking the helm at the University of Arizona in 1972. Facing racism, death threats, and countless challenges, Snowden persevered and turned Tucson into a basketball town. His groundbreaking leadership paved the way for future generations of African American coaches, leaving a lasting legacy on and off the court. This podcast episode tells the story of a trailblazer who overcame the odds to change the game forever. Guests: Stacey Snowden- Fred's daughter Bob Elliott- former University of Arizona basketball player Beverley Elliott- Executive Director, African American Museum of Southern Arizona and Bob's wife Joe Nehls- former University of Arizona basketball player