No, Einstein Didn't Really Say That
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 544 , Segment 2
Trump's Tax Cuts, Origins of Misquotations, Photosynthesis
Episode: Trump's Tax Cuts, Origins of Misquotations, Photosynthesis
- May 2, 2017 11:00 pm
- 21:34 mins
Guest: Garson O’Toole (pen name of Gregory Sullivan), PhD, author of “Hemingway Didn’t Say That: The Truth Behind Familiar Quotations” Albert Einstein famously said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. It’s one of the famous quotes we seem to hear most often in our social circles, but it turns out that Albert Einstein did not say that. Researcher Garson O’Toole is the Quote Investigator. His blog debunks hundreds of misquotations and now he’s got a new book about them called, “Hemingway Didn’t Say That: The Truth Behind Familiar Quotations.”