Do School Suspensions Reduce School Violence?

Do School Suspensions Reduce School Violence?

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 1098 , Segment 2

Baseball Organist, School Suspension, Hadza Diet

Episode: Baseball Organist, School Suspension, Hadza Diet

  • Jun 21, 2019 10:00 pm
  • 11:08 mins

(Originally aired February 27, 2019) Guest: Charles Bell, Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice Sciences, Illinois State University Millions of kids get suspended from public schools around the US every year, and a new study from the ACLU found that schools that suspend the most are all in Hawaii. Suspension is a way to punish a student for seriously bad behavior, alert the parents that the school means business and keep the other students at the school safe. But kicking a kid out of school for a few days or weeks may not do any of those things.