Cyber Security, Gratitude, Last Minute Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving Songs
The Lisa Show - Season 1, Episode 47
- Nov 20, 2018 7:00 am
- 1:40:18 mins
Mark Risher talks about how to stay safe on Cyber Monday. Josh Bingham discusses last minute Thanksgiving plans, and Emilie Campbell shares her favorite Thanksgiving songs. Cyber Security (00:00) Thanksgiving is just a few days away, and with Cyber Monday shortly after, many people will be entering their personal information online in exchange for deals. Mark Risher, director of Google’s Product Management Security and Privacy Team is here to talk to us about how we can be safe while we save on Cyber Monday. Time Management (15:59) Show regular Jeanette Bennett joins Lisa to talk about how to best use our time as bosses, employees, and parents. Jeanette is the founder and editor of Utah Valley Magazine, BusinessQ, and Posper Magazine, among others. Gratitude (50:21) They say that a person with a clean conscience sleep better—but we could also say that people who express gratitude sleep easier. I think most of us can recognize that grateful people are happier—how many people have you seen frowning while counting their blessings? (Not many.) But living a grateful life has numerous other health benefits—maybe enough to convince us to make gratitude a priority year-round instead of just around the table at Thanksgiving. Amy Morin is a clinical social worker and psychotherapist. She’s a Wall Street journalist and author of the internationally best-selling book 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do. You can learn more about her at her website. Last Minute Thanksgiving (1:05:10) Josh Bingham joins Lisa to discuss what to do when you have to make last minute Thanksgiving plans. Thanksgiving Songs (1:25:24) Do you love Christmas music? Well, what about Thanksgiving music? Emilie Campbell joins us as we explore the songs of Thanksgiving: the good, the bad, and the ugly.