"The Home Team" by Sam Payne

"The Home Team" by Sam Payne

The Apple Seed - Season 2, Episode 31 , Segment 2

S2 E31: Strangers into Friends - Stories by Dolores Hydock and Sam + Paul O'Sullivan Band

Episode: S2 E31: Strangers into Friends - Stories by Dolores Hydock and Sam + Paul O'Sullivan Band

  • Sep 15, 2022 6:00 am
  • 3:20

Sam sings a song that he wrote, which was inspired by Dolores Hydock's story about her high school reunion. He had imagined the story of a man and his experience going back to his hometown, and seeing his old high school. Sometimes we all need a visit back to where we came from, and to be given another chance to root for the home team.