Holocaust Refugees on Cuba's Shores

Holocaust Refugees on Cuba's Shores

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 894 , Segment 5

White House Drama, Google Bias, Serena Williams

Episode: White House Drama, Google Bias, Serena Williams

  • Sep 6, 2018 9:00 pm
  • 22:52 mins

(Originally aired: 8/22/18) Guest: Armando Lucas Correa, Author, “The German Girl”; Eva Weiner, Survivor, SS St. Louis In May 1939, an oceanliner named the SS St Louis arrived in the port of Havana. Most of the ship’s 900 passengers were Jews fleeing Hitler. They had authorized travel documents, but Cuban officials only allowed a few dozen to come ashore. The rest were sent back to Europe. The novel “The German Girl” is a fictional account of a Jewish refugee aboard the ship who is allowed to stay with her mother in Cuba as a permanent exile.