Meal Prepping Tips

Meal Prepping Tips

The Lisa Show - Season 1, Episode 162 , Segment 2

Star Wars Science, Meal Prep, Mental Health, Dyslexia, Self Love, Star Wars Fandom

Episode: Star Wars Science, Meal Prep, Mental Health, Dyslexia, Self Love, Star Wars Fandom

  • May 3, 2019 4:00 pm
  • 19:02 mins

Preparing our meals in advance is what most of us are striving for…. Just knock it all out in one round and then you don’t have to cook again during the week! We have Andie Ovard on the show today to give us her meal prepping tips and tricks. Andie Ovard is a Registered Dietician Nutritionist. She runs a blog called “The Baking Dietician” where she shares healthy recipes, workouts, and other health and fitness tips.