Summer Lemonade Stand

Summer Lemonade Stand

The Lisa Show - Season 1, Episode 742 , Segment 3

Summer Lemonade Stands and Good Enough Parenting

Episode: Summer Lemonade Stands and Good Enough Parenting

  • Jun 14, 2021 12:00 pm
  • 20:18 mins

As a kid, summertime is almost magical –and the lemonade stand is a part of this magic. You’re running your own business, turning your own profits, staking a claim in the world! Or, at least it feels like when you’re young. Now, as a parent, you see that the lemonade stand is maybe less about profit and more about the lessons that your kid can learn from it. So how can you make sure that your child is getting the most out of their summer “business ventures”? Here to tell us all about it is Carrie Ann Rhodes. Carrie Ann is a regular guest on the show, discussing all things hearth and home. Today, she’ll be talking about how you can help your kids prepare and learn from their summer lemonade stands.