The Technology Talk

The Technology Talk

The Lisa Show - Season 1, Episode 658 , Segment 1

Teen Confessions and Phone Addiction

Episode: Teen Confessions and Phone Addiction

  • Feb 17, 2021 1:00 pm
  • 18:47 mins

With children getting smart phones at such young ages, it’s important that we’re conscious of how they’re using them and who they’re talking to. Too many kids have been taken advantage of by strangers on the internet with bad intentions. Now you might get some pushback from your children when you try to monitor their phones and other devices. Most all kids will fight you for their privacy. But our next guest, who has spent many years focused on cyber-crimes among youth and taking down online child predators, believes it’s important that parents stay involved when it comes to technology. Rich Wistocki is a former cyber-crimes detective with his own consulting firm dedicated to educating parents and kids on this topic.