Inequality, Uncomfortable Delegation, Kids Call The Shots

Inequality, Uncomfortable Delegation, Kids Call The Shots

The Matt Townsend Show - Season 5, Episode 250

  • Oct 19, 2016 6:00 am
  • 2:24:23 mins

How Corporate America Can Curb Income Iinequality and Make More Money To (19:17) Dr. Wallace J. Hopp is a Distinguished University Professor at the Ross School of Business located at the University of Michigan. He has been studying work systems in the manufacturing and service sectors for over 30 years. Employees and companies are supposed to work hand in hand to increase productivity in the work place, increase company earnings, and in bettering the American economy.  Just as parents and children both give and take form each other, employees and companies have a special symbiotic relationship.  What happens when if the employees or the company only acts in their own self-interest? Who is the ultimate looser?  Dr. Hopp explains. Revisited Movie Reviews - The Burbs (1:05:14) In honor of Halloween we are revisiting scary movies of the past. Today's movie is The Burbs with Tom Hanks and Carrie Fisher. How Uncomfortable We Are Making Choices for Others (1:07:50) Dr. Mary Steffel is...