How Labor Unions Changed America

How Labor Unions Changed America

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 890 , Segment 2

Hold that Swat – Flies Are Amazing!, How Labor Unions Changed America

Episode: Hold that Swat – Flies Are Amazing!, How Labor Unions Changed America

  • Aug 31, 2018 9:00 pm
  • 52:17

Guests: Ignacio Garcia, PhD, Professor of History, Brigham Young University; David Sims, PhD, Professor of Economics, Brigham Young University; Jessica Wilkerson, PhD, Professor of History and Southern Studies, University of Mississippi  What exactly do we even celebrate on Labor Day, besides the official end of summer? Here's just a partial list of things you can thank the labor movement for: overtime pay, minimum wage, 40-hour work week, and health benefits provided by your employer. What can we learn about the history and impact of organized labor in America?