Gypsy and Clown
The Apple Seed - Season 2013, Episode 686
- Jan 3, 2018 7:00 am
- 56:01 mins
Don’t put away the tree yet! In a season still rich with holiday magic, we’ll share stories and songs both light and serious on today’s episode of the Apple Seed. You’ll hear songs by the terrific songwriter Cori Connors, along with stories from Donald Davis, Kevin Kling, and our host, Sam Payne. Flexible Flyer by Cori Connors (00:49) Don't Kill Santa by Donald Davis (5:38) You Dressed as a Gypsy and I as a Clown by Sam Payne (15:40) Nutcracker by Kevin Kling (45:03) Sleepy Little Town by Cori Connors (50:38)