Downstairs at the White House

Downstairs at the White House

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 791 , Segment 2

Inside the IRS on Tax Day, Downstairs at the White House, How Noisy is Your Neighborhood?

Episode: Inside the IRS on Tax Day, Downstairs at the White House, How Noisy is Your Neighborhood?

  • Apr 16, 2018 11:00 pm
  • 25:55 mins

Guest: Donald Stinson, Author, “Downstairs at the White House” Donald Stinson had big ambitions from an early age. In 1973, he talked his way into a series of low-level jobs making copies and delivering mail inside the White House, which gave him a front row seat to all kinds of drama – Watergate, Vietnam protests, Vice President Spiro Agnew’s resignation, the release of the Nixon tapes, the resignation of President Richard Nixon himself.  Stinson met all kinds of important people during his teenaged escapades at the White House – and made all kinds of enemies among the Secret Service who weren’t so impressed with his mischief.