Why Gas Prices Always Go Up this Time of Year
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 803 , Segment 1
Rising Gas Prices, Weight Stigma in Men, Neuroscientist Loses Her Mind
Episode: Rising Gas Prices, Weight Stigma in Men, Neuroscientist Loses Her Mind
- May 2, 2018 11:00 pm
- 17:17 mins
Guest: David Blackmon, Independent Energy Analyst, Frequent Contributor to Forbes.com Every year at this time, gas prices seem to go up. Or maybe it’s just that we notice it a bit more, because we’re making vacation plans? You’re not imagining things: the price for regular unleaded gas is at its highest level in three years. Americans are paying an average of $2.74 per gallon of regular unleaded right now, which is 30-cents higher than it was at the start of the year.