Advocating for Yourself and Navigating the "System" - Caregiving, Part 8

Advocating for Yourself and Navigating the "System" - Caregiving, Part 8

The Lisa Show - Season 2023, Episode 32

  • Nov 14, 2023 1:00 pm
  • 44:04 mins
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Any caregiver will tell you that maybe one of the harshest realities of taking care of another person is just how much time you spend dealing with the "system"--meaning meeting with doctors, making calls to insurance providers, emailing pharmacies, working with government programs, and handling all of the logistical pieces necessary to support someone who needs it. It can become a full-time job in and of itself, and at times that "system" can feel cold and uncaring towards the people it's ostensibly supposed to be helping. So what can we do to better navigate the logistical side of caregiving? Lisa talks with life coach Lauren Lowery, author Jillian Benfield, and director of Development for Remedy Alpine Amy Bushatz--all caregivers themselves--about how we can better advocate for ourselves during difficult conversations.