Trips in the Family Car
The Apple Seed - Season 2013, Episode 35
- Oct 2, 2013 6:00 am
- 58:01 mins
This episode, "Trips in the Family Car," features tellers Bil Lepp, Andy Offutt Irwin, Donald Davis, Bill Harley, and Donna Washington: Bil Lepp Story 1: Mr. Lepp, I Gotta Go Teller: Bil Lepp Website: Notes: Andy Offut Irwin Story 2: Chief Know-em All Teller: Andy Offut Irwin Website: Notes: Donald Davis Story 3: Driving to Florida Teller: Donald Davis Website: Notes: Bill Harley Story 4: Mom and the Radio Teller: Bill Harley Website: Notes: Donna Washington Story 5: The West Indies Teller: Donna Washington Website: Notes: