Obstacles for Absentee Fathers

Obstacles for Absentee Fathers

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 1092 , Segment 1

Fatherhood, Muslim Marines, The Science of Happiness

Episode: Fatherhood, Muslim Marines, The Science of Happiness

  • Jun 13, 2019 10:00 pm
  • 18:42 mins

Guest: Anthony Parnell, Executive Director and Co-Founder, Fatherhood Support Network  Nearly one in four children in the US live without their father, according to the Census Bureau. Kids raised without a dad are more likely to end up in poverty and to have substance use and mental health problems. But not all absentee fathers want to be absent. That’s where the Fatherhood Support Network steps in –their program is designed to inspire and empower dads to be actively involved in the lives of their children.