Duane Hiatt and the 3Ds
  • Feb 11, 2019 7:00 am
  • 57:14
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Today, we’re going to go in a couple of directions: we’re going to talk about the kind of richness that comes into a person’s life when they get down into some of the world’s great poetry and literature and try to preserve it in their own mind and spirit, and when they learn to share it with others. We’re going to talk in a bit with Duane Hiatt, who, together with two of his pals, put together a folk group in the 60s called “The Three D’s.” As part of our chat, we’ll play some music these guys wrote to famous poetry texts, and released in 1964, the same year the Beatles appeared on the Ed Sullivan show.  We’re also going to talk about the value of preserving plain old memories of your daily life: a record of the world you live in as seen through the eyes of not only your unusual and spectacular experiences, but also your regular, unremarkable experiences. And you’ll hear a bit from songwriter Clive Romney, someone who, like Duane Hiatt of the 3D’s, has traveled a bit in this world, and knows a thing or two.