Begin Again
The Apple Seed - Season 2013, Episode 614
- Jul 6, 2017 6:00 am
- 54:17 mins
Second chances and new beginnings. Some stories that deal with redemption and forgiveness, while others are just about accepting what comes next in the cycle of life. Stories and songs included in this episode: The Preacher and the Ferryman by Brian “Fox” Ellis (2:20) A Preacher inspires a rather rude Ferryman with a new perspective on life. Learn more about Brian "Fox" Ellis, who is also an author of 16 books, by visiting: This Morning I Was Born Again by John McCutcheon (8:11) A song about being connected with the rhythms of the natural world. Learn more about John McCutcheon, whose song Christmas in the Trenches was named one of the 100 Essential Folk Songs, by visiting: The Blue Coat by Jenni Cargill Strong (11:41) A Jewish folktale about the many shapes and stages a little boy’s blue coat goes through thanks to the craft and skill of his grandfather, the tailor. Learn more about Jenni Cargill Strong, an Australian based teller, by visiting: Butterfly by Susan Reed (18:33) A song about the evolution of a butterfly and its flight in the bright blue sky. Learn more about Susan Reed, who was Director of Suzuki Studies at New England Conservatory of Music before embarking on her solo career, by visiting: Donald Davis Selection (22:55) A collection of stories from the album "Dr. York, Miss Winnie and the Typhoid Shot" about Donald's experience getting his tonsils removed. Learn more about Donald Davis, who was born in the Southern Appalachian mountain region, by visiting: Sun Come On by Sam Payne (50:04) A song commissioned by Dixie State University for a centennial celebration of the National Parks Service. Learn more about Sam Payne, our producer and host as well as a featured teller at the National Storytelling Festival in Jonesborough, Tennessee by visiting: