Gestapo Tactics, Superhero Self-Control, Get Un-Upset

Gestapo Tactics, Superhero Self-Control, Get Un-Upset

The Matt Townsend Show - Season 5, Episode 87

  • Apr 11, 2016 6:00 am
  • 2:21:29 mins
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Gestapo Tactics (15:13) Joe Cannon is our Washington Insider. Joe served as an assistant administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency from 1983-1985. Was a candidate for the U.S. Senate in 1992. He served as the Chairman of the Utah Republican Party from 2002 to 2006. He was named editor of the Deseret Morning News on December 8, 2006. Joe currently is the CEO of Fuel Freedom Foundation. Joe discusses current political news, New York politics, and Gestapo Tactics in politics. Coaches Corner: Failure (1:01:38) Sometimes in life everything goes wrong and you fail. Failure is not a bad thing as it provides character building moments on how to recover and avoid the mistakes in the future. How someone deals with failure is important and Dr. Townsend shares some ideas on how to use the moment to grow. How to be a Superhero Called Self-Control (1:13:05) Lauren Buckner is a pediatric occupational therapist, and mother of 3 young children. She currently works in a school-based practice, but also has experience with spinal cord injury, burns, psychological disabilities, and neurological impairments. She is the author of author of “A Superhero Called Self-Control” which helps children deal with feelings of anxiety, frustration and anger. How to Get Un-Upset (1:47:08) Kim Giles, President and founder of Clarity Point Life Coaching. Named one of the top 20 advice gurus in the country by Good Morning America in 2010. Writes a regular column on every Monday in the Happy Living Section. Author of the Book Choosing Clarity: A Path to Fearlessness. Today Kim shares some tips on how to manage anger and get un-upset.

Episode Segments