Cuba and Brazil
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 258 , Segment 2
Brussels, Cuba and Brazil, Refugee Crisis
Episode: Brussels, Cuba and Brazil, Refugee Crisis
- Mar 22, 2016 9:00 pm
- 56:21 mins
Guest: Quinn Mecham, PhD, Professor of Political Science at BYU Other big news happening on the international stage today comes out of Cuba, where Barack Obama is the first US President to visit since 1928. In a televised speech seen in Cuba and abroad, President Obama said he had come to “bury the last remnant of the Cold War in the Americas.” President Obama also said that change will depend upon the Cuban people. The United States “will not impose its political or economic system” on the country. Cuba is where we begin with BYU political science professor Quinn Mecham, back for his monthly analysis of three international events we should be paying attention to.